SpotFinder for Free

Find a spot in Amsterdam to have a productive day based on your preferences

100+ new locations added every month.

Find your Study spot in seconds!

SpotFinder provides you with tailored-spots to help you make a decision on where to study or work remotely. Find a perfect spot in seconds based on your preference.

How it works

SpotFinder finds a location near you based on your preferences

SpotFinder helps students, workers and digital nomads find a remote working place outside their home or office.

Find a spot In seconds

100+ location waiting to be matched to you!

Find a remote working place with SpotFinder. A tool that helps you meet new people, explore new places and support local businesses.


You can also add the tool to your home screen

By doing so, you can quickly access the free tool without having to search for the website. We are all about saving you time as you can see!


2023 Q1: App Launch

Next priority in our development roadmap involves the creation of an IOS and Android Apps for users to find their preferred location in seconds.

You saw right, that is five seconds to find a spot based on preferences.

Solving your problem?

Share it with your friends too

It only takes another second and you will help your friends in fighting against packed libraries in study season!

From students, to students ❤️

SpotFinder Beta - Amsterdam
Developed by Guillermo Morales Seittiffe